اساليب تقييم توصيف مقرر Basic Pharmacology لماجيستير الفارما

د . مهارات عامة و منتقلة :                                              

2.d.  General and transferable skills :-

By the end of the program the candidate should be able to :

2.d.1. Simplify , summarize and present knowledge to different levels of target persons.

2.d.2. Select the proper method of information technology to in achieving teaching and research plan of the department, faculty and university.

2.d.3. Seak appropriate scientific information from experts and other sources of advanced drug information in order to improve his practice in pharmacology.

2.d.4. utilize methods of obtaining, sorting and presenting information.

2.d.5. Participate in teaching and evaluation of practical courses , case study of pharmacology to  undergraduate and paramedical personelles (nursing and technicians).

2.d.6. Evalute performance of junior practitioners in the field of pharmacology based on proper and applicable parameters.

2.d.7. Commit with time plans assigned by administration as regards teaching and research duties.

2.d.8. Update his knowledge about new and expired drugs using recent methods of information technology.


3.3 ـ المعايير الأكاديمية للبرنامج : 

- Academic Standards    

Academic Standards  of Master Program of clinical pharmacology , approved in department council  date  6  / 2013, and in faculty. 

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