محتويات توصيف مقرر Basic Pharmacology لماجيستير الفارما

2.b.3. Interpret the main facts of pharmacology through utilizing the main principles of other sciences related to pharmacology in understanding the main principles in pharmacology.

2.b.4. Formulate the results  of research plan related to a given drug related health problem in the form of thesis or research paper using analyzing and criticizing manner in evaluation of them.

2.b.5. Assess , predict and plan to avoid hazards related to drug handling either in research or therapy.

2.b.6. Judge the maximal capabilities of available research and teaching tools and plan to utilize them in fulfilling research and teaching strategies of the department.

2.b.7. Employ his knowledge in pharmacology in improving drug therapy by clinicians , paramedicals and patients.


2.2. ج . مهارات مهنية وعملية :   

c. Practical and professional Skills :                        

On successful completion of the program, the graduate will be able to :

By the end of this program the graduate must be able to :

2.c.1. Select and manage the practical skills required for obtaining knowledge about drug action and kinetics either in animals and human clinical trials .

2.c.2. Construct  a therapeutic plan for a given clinical case and make constructive criticism to other plans suggested by others.

2.c.3. Use properly the main  equipments in the research lab of pharmacology and identify their adequate use.

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