لماجستيرالميكروبيولوجيا MD degree of Medical Microbiology and Immunology اهداف مقرر

Overall Aims of the Program :

1.1 Educate students about the detailed features of general bacteriology, virology.

1.2.E educate students about the detailed features of microbial genetics and mycology.

1.3. Provide students with an understanding of the immune system, its protective functions and its role in the pathophysiology of infectious and non-infectious diseases.

1.4. Familiarize students with the common infections and diseases of medical importance, their microbial causes, as well as   pathogenesis laboratory diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of such diseases.

1.5. Enable the students to practice the principles of staining, culturing, doing biochemical reactions and identification of bacteria causing clinical infections in different medical samples, antigen extraction, doing serological tests and bacteriological water examination.

1.6.Know  Basic scientific knowledge essential for following the  rules of medical ethics.

1.7. Diagnose, problem solving and decision making as well as communication skills necessary for proper evaluation and management of health problems.

1.8. Appropriate ethical and professional education necessary for demonstrating appropriate attitudes with patients and colleagues.

1.9. Life long learning competencies necessary for continuous professional development.

1.10. Research education as related to medical practice & post-graduation development.

1.11. Practice Basic administrative skills necessary for delivery ofhealth service.

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