نتائج مقرر الباثولوجي لدبلوم جراحة المسالك


2- المستهدف من تدريس المقرر :

By the end of the course, the student should be able to:

أ- المعلومات والمفاهيم :

2.a.1  Describe histology of urological and reproductive systems, and the histopathological changes which occur in different urologic disorders.

2.a.2  List inflammatory cells and inflammatory reaction patterns of the urological system

2.a.3  Describe histopathological features of tumors of urological system

2.a.4 Discuss Basics and advances in the field of histopathological staining, immunohistochemistry and molecular studies of different urologic disorders.

2.a.5  Enumerate types of microscopes

2.a.6  Describe Basics of immunohistochemistry

ب- المهارات الذهنية:

2.b.1  Identify the appearance of normal urothelium under microscope

2.b.2  distinguish different inflammatory cells

2.b.3  Differentiate between different reaction pattern under microscope

2.b.4  Choose the appropriate diagnosis of a section

2.b.5  Choose the appropriate diagnosis of a section with granulomatous reactions, perforating disorders

2.b.6  Integrate the histopathological findings with the clinical data to find out final diagnosis

2.b.7 Plan to improve the management of Urology and andrology cases to through more precise diagnosis

2.b.8 Take the decisions to use assisted reproductive technique or not according to the findings in testicular biopsy

جـ- المهارات المهنية الخاصة بالمقرر:

2.c.1  Make a histopathological diagnosis of the common urological tumors studied

2.c.2  Reach a final diagnosis / differential diagnosis of studied topics if  given a group of pathological findings

2.c.3  Diagnose LE & immubullous disorders from immunofluoresence projectors slides

2.c.4  Write and appraise full histopathological report

2.c.5  Diagnose different inflammatory cells under microscope

د -  المهارات العامة:

2.d.1  Communicate effectively using all methods

2.d.2  Use information technology to improve his/her professional practice

2.d.3  Practice self-appraisal and determines his learning needs

2.d.4  Share in determination of standards for evaluation of others (e.g.: subordinates/ trainees etc.)

2.d.5  Use different sources of information to obtain data

2.d.6  Manage time effectively

2.d.7  Work in teams 

2.d.8 Work as team leader in situations comparable to his work level

2.d.9  Learn independently and seek continuous learning

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