نتائج مقرر الفسيولوجي لماجستير جراحة المسالك


2-    المستهدف من تدريس المقرر :      

By the end of the course, the student should be able to:

أ- المعلومات والمفاهيم :

2.a.1- discuss according to priority the main functions of systems, organs and cells related to urological diseases.

2.a.2- Explain the basic and comprehensive physiological processes in correct medical terms and in correct order.

2.a.3- identify important physiological laws and definitions.

2.a.4-discuss the different  mechanisms of homeostasis and  how to use it  in applied  physiology.

2.a.5- describe  the control of nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrinal and gastrointestinal systems and how could disturbances in them affect urological system

2.a.6-State the importance of urological system in homeostasis and how it help other system in homeostasis

ب- المهارات الذهنية  :

2.b.1- Identify deviations from the normal physiology and its effects.

2.b.2- Translate the consequences of physiological disorders into clinical manifestations and vice versa.

2.b.3- Illustrate physiological information in the form of simplified diagrams with complete data on it.

2.b.4- Interconnect different related branches of physiology to each other and to urological diseases.

2.b.5- Analyze  any  pathophysiological disorders .

2.b.6- Compare homologous physiological structures and processes.

2.b.7- Relate the pathophysiology of the diseases to the urological diseases .

جـ- المهارات المهنية الخاصة بالمقرر

2.c.1- translate clinical manifestations into physiological data

2.c.2- diagnose pathophysiological disorders

د -  المهارات العامة :

2.d.1- Continue learning and  handle learning facilities with care.

2.d.2- Present themselves in a good way.

2.d.3- Use the sources of physiological information to remain current with the advances in knowledge & practice.

2.d.4-participate  in community development  and in drawing  up and  implementing  development  policies and  plans. 

2.d.5- Demonstrate the importance of keeping the environment balanced and clean.

2.d.6- Communicate and cooperate with colleagues in an appropriate manner


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