نتائج توصيف مقررات الدبلوما روماتيزم

2.a. Knowledge and Understanding

On successful completion of the program, the graduate will be able to :

2.a.1. Understand the normal structure and function of the body's musculoskeletal and neurological systems.

2.a.2. Know common causes and complications of arthritis and musculoskeletal disorders (acute and chronic) as well as the pathogenesis and management of rheumatic diseases. 

2.a.3. Describe physical disability of musculoskeletal diseases, its burden on the community and its management (physical therapy and rehabilitation measures).

2.a.4. Recognise the common causes of chronic pain, the complication of inactivity and common emergencies occurring at the rehabilitation unit.

2.a.5. Recognize physical methods for pain relief in different musculoskeletal disorders.

2.a.6. Describe the principles of electrodiagnostic procedures in clinical practice.

2.a.7. Recognize  the basic principles of the function of the immune system and specific investigational plans for the diagnosis of different rheumatic diseases.

2.a.8. Describe the basic issues of patients' health and safety while providing physical therapy, rehabilitation programs or management of musculoskeletal disorders.  

2.a.9. Highlight the importance of physical therapy and rehabilitation including complementary and alternative approaches in health care services to improve medical practice within the community.

2.a.10. Highlight  the patients' emotional concern and outline relevant ethical and legal requirements in the management of patients.

2. ب ـ القدرات الذهنية :

2.b. Intellectual Skills:-

On successful completion of the program, the graduate will be able to :

2.b.1. Develop the basic principles of formulating specific clinical sheets and the art of utilizing sources of information for the diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and problem solving in musculoskeletal and rheumatic diseases.

2.b.2. Analyze the clinical and investigational immunologic database to problem solving of atypical clinical presentations.

2.b.3. Interpret patient symptoms and physical findings in terms of their anatomic, physiologic, pathologic and functional diagnostic importance.

 2.b.4. create a list of initial diagnostic hypotheses (differential diagnosis) for each problem.

2.b.5. Analyze and present researches ideas as well as recent subjects related to the Rheumatology, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.

2.b.6. Interpretrisk factors for disease or injury and determine strategies for appropriate management.

2.b.7. Formulate appropriate management plans for patients with rheumatic or musculoskeletal diseases (acute and chronic), including medical, physical and surgical approaches.

2.b.8. Analyzebasic approaches to avoid and manage physical disability within the community. 

 2.b.9. Evaluate indications and prescription of orthoses and prostheses of different parts of body.

2.ج . مهارات مهنية وعملية :

2.c.  Practical and professional  Skills:-

On successful completion of the program, the graduate will be able to

2.c.1. Take a complete and focused medical history and formulates specific clinical database to record common medical problems.

 2.c.2. Identify tests of evaluation of motor function and musculoskeletal disorders.

2.c.3. Perform technical procedures, diagnostic and therapeutic in the field of Rheumatology, Rehabilitation and Physical medicine including electrodiagnostic tests.

 2.c.4. Apply physical assessment and evaluation for patients with anatomical deformities and different disabilities. 

 2.c.5. Perform routine therapeutic procedures such as local injections, joint aspiration, tractions and manipulation.

 2.c.6. Write comments on electromyography and nerve conduction studies.

 2.c.7. Write complete prescriptions of different types of orthoses and prostheses suitable for any age group (child, adult or elderly).

2.د . مهارات عامة ومنتقلة :


2.d.  General and transferable skills:-

By the end of the program the candidate should be able to:

2.d.1. Establish effective interpersonal relationship to communicate ideas and arguments with other health care professionals,

2.d.2. Retrieve scientific information clearly in written, electronic and oral forms, 

2.d.3. Determine personal learning needs necessary for continuous learning,

2.d.4. Use all sources of biomedical information and communication technology to remain up- to-date with advances in knowledge and practice,

2.d.5. Work effectively with an interdisciplinary team within time-planned programs,

2.d.6. Establish life-long self-learning required for continuous professional development.

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