قائمة مراجع دكتوراة الصحة العامة وطب المجتمع

- Academic Standards

  • Adopted Academic Standards of Doctorate Program of Public Health, Preventive and Social Medicine, approved in department council no.(244) date 8 / 9 / 2013 and in Faculty council no.(354 )16-9-, 2013.(ملحق 1).

4- (Benchmarks) External References Standards

  • Academic reference standards (ARS), Doctorate Program (March 2009, which wereissued by the National Authority for Quality Assurance & Accreditation of Education NAQAAE(ملحق 2).
  • The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)  Program of  London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) (ملحق 3).

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