نتائج ماجيستير الصحة العامة وطب المجتمع

 2.a. Knowledge and Understanding :

On successful completion of the program, the graduate will be able to :

2.a.1 Recognize the difference between preventive an curative medicine

2.a.2 Understand the epidemiological approach in describing any health problem and recognize the role of different micro-organisms and parasites in occurrence of diseases

2.a.3  Recognize  the basics of quality & administration of health services.

2.a.4 Understand the research methodology.

2.a.5 Determine different vulnerable groups in the community and  their specific  health problems.

2.a.6 Discuss the effect of human activities on environment and how to protect it.

2.a.7 Identify the demographic characteristics of the community

2.a.8 Demonstrate the principles of nutrition and categorize the nutritional disorders.

2.a.9 Recognize principles and basics of health economics

2.a.10 Demonstrate the health services provided to different groups of the community through the national health system with its different levels of care, with stress on the role of primary health care in health promotion and prevention of the diseases.

2.a.11 Determine the ethics of research, communication and motivation skills


2.b. Intellectual Skills :                                                  

On successful completion of the program, the graduate will be able to:

2.b.1 Interpret   practical information and use it as standard for problem solving.

2.b.2 Formulate and testhypothesis

2.b.3 Analyze the situation during outbreaks and epidemics.

2.b.4 Assess the risk of professional exposure to health hazards

2.b.5 Evaluate the performance of primary health care units.

2.b.6 Design a program for the prevention and control of the health problems of certain vulnerable group.

2.b.7 Standardize different types of rates

2.b.8  Differentiate between nutritional disorders.

2.b.9 Interpret the results of his research and make a conclusion.


2.c.  Practical and professional Skills :                       

  On successful completion of the program, the graduate will be able to:

2.c.1 Manage data effectively.

2.c.2 Write protocol for his research and thesis in a scientific way.

2.c.3  Perform simple statistical analysis of data

2.c.4 Plan a program for prevention and control ofdifferent health problem.

2.c.5 Design an investigation of a putative communicable disease outbreak or chemical or biological incident.

2.c.6 Conduct a survey study to collect date for his research.


2.d.  General and transferable skills :

On successful completion of the program, the graduate will be able to :

2.d.1 Communicate effectively verbal and non verbal and cooperate with colleagues in an appropriate manner.

2.d.2 Utilize technological knowledge to serve in clinical practice development.

2.d.3 Use the sources of information to remain current with the advances in knowledge & practice.

2.d.4 Work in team.

2.d.5 Manage time and meeting effectively.

2.d.6 Lead a team in a popular practical way.

2.d.7 Achieve continuous self learning and  handle learning facilities with care.

2.d.8 Participate in community development  and in drawing  up and  implementing  development  policies and  plans.  

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