1- Program aims:
The overall aims of the program are:
1.1 - To provide knowledge and understanding the physiology of human body systems and pathology of various diseases.
1.2-To enable the student to meet and reflect the needs of our local community and respond appropriately to cultural and medical needs
1.3- To acquire the competence and experiences to effectively manage pediatric patients with different diseases.
1.4-To update diagnostic and therapeutic protocols of pediatric diseases and emergency
-To add continuous scientific work to the branch.51.
. 1. 6- To analyze scientific knowledge in pediatrics and related branches.
1.7- To determine the professional problems and find new solutions for them.
1 .8- To recognize updated methods and tools for practice in pediatrics.
1. 9-To develop appropriate communication and leading team work in different professional fields.
. - To practice making decision by using the available data. 1.10
1. 11- To know appropriate utilization of the available resources and finding new sources.
1.12- To practice taking active role in the community and saving environment.
1.13- Continuous self development and transferring knowledge and experiences to others.
1. 14-To develop scientific research education related to medical practice and post graduation development.