اهداف دبلوما طب الاطفال

1-  Program aims:

The overall aims of the program are:

1.1-To provide candidates with the background knowledge of academic basis of pediatrics including embryology, physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology, microbiology, immunology and pathology.

1.2-To supply candidates with the updating knowledge and skills necessary to deal with different medical problems during practice clinical pediatrics.

1.3-To provide candidates with recent knowledge and skills necessary to practice neonatal medicine

1.4-To provide candidates with the knowledge and skills necessary to practice child health

1.5-To provide candidates with the knowledge and skills necessary to comprehend and apply clinical genetics

1.6-To provide candidates with the communication skills and attitudes towards patient and his family with respect to ethics of treatment and its legal aspect.

1.7-To orient graduate to use the available resources effectively.

1.8--To provide candidates with the skills necessary to collect  and interpret basic laboratory and imaging data in pediatrics

1.9-To train graduate to communicate effectively with his superior’s and other team members 

1.10-To give graduate ability to acquire the competence and meet the need of our local community and respond appropriately to cultural and medical needs.

1.11-To aware graduate with importance of continuous medical education and improvement of his skills


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