نتائج ماجستير الباثولوجى

2-Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOS) :

2.2. أ ـ المعرفة والفهم : 

a. Knowledge and Understanding

On successful completion of the program, the graduate will be able to :

2.a.1. Describe the main disease categories that may affect the human body as well as the basic mechanisms underlying these disorders.

2.a.2. Determine the fate & complications of each particular disease and its relation to surrounding environment.

2.a.3. Discuss of the principles of laboratory processing within surgical pathology, mainly specimen dissection and macroscopic description.

2.a.4. Describe of the microscopic features in different body tissues as well as the major common patterns of diseases.

2.a.5. Discuss of the steps of preparation and staining techniques, principles of specialhistochemical and immunohistochemical methods.

2.a.6. Recognize of the principles and ethics of medical research study, how to use appropriate statistical methods.

2.a.7. Identify the ethical and legal principles of professional practice in the field of surgical pathology.

2.a.8. Recognize of the fundamentals of quality control in the professional practice in the field of pathology.

2.a.9 Update knowledge in surgical pathology.


2. 2. ب ـ القدرات الذهنية : 

b. Intellectual Skills :                                                   -

On successful completion of the program, the graduate will be able to :

2.b.1. Develop habits of lifelong learning by building on previous undergraduate and general medical training experience.

2.b.2. Correlate ofthe pathological finding with clinical, laboratory and X-rays findings to reach the most accurate diagnosis and effective management of the disease.

2.b.3. Interpret of data effectively with other members of the pathology department, other departments and clinicians.

2.b.4. Analyze all available data to make professional decision in various pathological problems. 

2.b.5. Categorize and compose an accurate pathology report.

2.b.6. Analyze of medical research about specified medical problem (thesis).

2.b.7. Assess of risk in professional practices in surgical pathology.

2.b.8. Plan for development of performance in the field of pathology.

2.b.9. Differentiate between problematic cases in absence of complete given clinical data.


2.2. ج . مهارات مهنية وعملية : 

c.  Practical and professional Skills:   

On successful completion of the program, the graduate will be able to:

2.c.1. Write adequate pathological request concerning clinical data and main features of gross appearance of the specimen.

2.c.2. Handle and process properly tissue specimens sent for pathological examination.

2.c.3. Examine microscopically of different neoplastic and non-neopastic tissue lesions as well as the major common patterns of diseases.

2.c.4. Write an accurate pathological report that gives clinicians the information they need.

2.c.5. Perform histochemical and immunohistochemical staining using paraffin section.

2.c.6.  Evaluate different staining methods and determine value of different stains and tumor markers in diagnosis of particular disease.

2.c.7. Describe the received specimen and select blocks accurately during surgical reporting and correlate with the clinical situation.

2.2. د . مهارات عامة و منتقلة :

d.  General and transferable skills :-

By the end of the program the candidate should be able to :

2.d.1. Communicate clearly, sensitively and effectively with their colleagues from a variety of heath and social care professions.

2.d.2. Communicate effectively with the patients and their relatives, transferring them information about illness in clear and suitable manner.

2.d.3. Use the sources of information technology to remain current with the advances in knowledge & practice.

2.d.4. Use the available sources of biomedical information for continuous retrieval of knowledge. 

2.d.5. Apply of self-evaluation and specification of his medical educational needs (e.g. through tutorials).

2.d.6. Assess of the performance of undergraduate students in practical lessons.

2.d.7. Apply recent methods of teaching for undergraduate inside the lab.

2.d.8. Demonstrate independent and continuous learning.

2.d.9. Respect team working and do his role well in different situations. 

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