اهداف ماجيستير الطفيليات

الأهداف العامة للبرنامج :                               

1- Overall Aims of the program

  The overall goals of the program are to :

  • Provide the postgraduate students with essential knowledge of medical parasitology.
  • Acquire skills necessary for applying the scientific analytic methods in medical parasitology using available resources and saving the environment.
  • Recognize ethical principles related to the practice in this specialty.
  • Access active participation in community needs assessment.
  • Reach active participation in problems identification and solving.
  • Maintain learning abilities necessary for continuous medical education.
  • Have the ability to teach and train others.
  • Have the ability to develop themselves in the field of medical Parasitology.
  • Upgrade self-learning.
  • Use modern technological aids.
  • Perform research abilities necessary for continuous professional development.

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