اساليب تقييم توصيف مقرر BIOMECHANICS FOR ORTHOPEDIC DOCTORATE (FIRST PART) لدكتوراة العظام

Students assessment methods:

5-A) Attendance criteria :  Faculty bylaws

5-B) Assessment tools:


Purpose ( ILOs)

Written examination

To assess ( 2.1.1 ,2.1.2, 2.1.3 , 2.2.1 , 2.2.2)

Oral examination

To assess ( 2.2.1 , 2.2.2 , 2.3.1 , 2.3.2)


5-C) Time schedule:

  • Two sets of exams : 1st in aprill – 2nd in October.

One written exams 3 hours Biomechanics.

Oral exam.

5-D) Weighting system:


% of Total marks

Final exam: Written

70 %

Final exam: Oral

30 %

  • Other types of assessment : by log book.
  • The minimum passing & passing grades : Faculty bylaws.

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