نتائج توصيف مقرر الفارماكولوجي ماجستيرالأمراض العصبيه والطب النفسي

1-      المستهدف من تدريس المقرر :    

By the end of the course, the student should be able to:

أ- المعلومات والمفاهيم :

2.1.1- Discuss   the   pharmacokinetic,   pharmacodynamic   and   pharmacotherpeutic

         properties of different groups of drugs affecting body systems.

2.1.2- Discuss the adverse and toxic effects, and their management of commonly

         used groups interactions.

2.1.4-  Define clinically relevant age, sex and genetic related variations that affect response 

        to drugs.

2.1.5- Discuss the pathophysiology of diseases and explain the rational basis for the use of


2.1.6- Discuss the  impact of preventive  pharmacology  in  promoting  health  and prevent


ب- المهارات الذهنية  :

2.2.1- Calculate accurately drug's dosage, bioavailability, plasma half life and volume of distribution in different patient populations

2.2.2- interpret drug adverse reactions.


جـ- المهارات المهنية الخاصة بالمقرر :

2.3.1- Perform with precision different technique of drug administration.

2.3.2- Design rational therapeutic strategies for both acute and chronic conditions that take into account the various variables that influence these strategies. Choose the proper drug(s) for the proper clinical situation in proper dosage.

2.3.3 Obtain and record a comprehensive drug history of the patient.


د -  المهارات العامة :

2.4.1- respect to all patients irrespective of their socioeconomic levels, culture  or  religious  beliefs  and   use  language  appropriate  to  the  patient's culture.

2.4.2- Provide appropriate basic drug education to the patient and his family.

2.4.3- Communicate effectively with other health care professionals to maximize   patient benefits and minimize the risk of errors.


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