نتائج توصيف مقرر الامراض النفسية لدكتوراة أمراض الطب النفسى

3- المستهدف من تدريس المقرر :

أ- المعلومات والمفاهيم :    

. 2a1. Recognize the etiology of illness and disease, with special emphasis on medi-cal, psychosocial and environmental causes.

2a2. Recognize the principles of genetics and the role of genetics in different psy-chiatric and neurological diseases.

2a3. Recognize the basic medical science to disease process, supported by early clinical contact and demonstration.

2a4. Discuss the common disease’s clinical manifestations and differential


2a5. Recognize the scientific basis of common diagnostic studies with emphasis on their prioritization in management plans.

2a6. Define pharmacological principles of treatment including: drug ef-fects/pharmacokientics, dosage, drug-drug interactions and adverse reactions.

2a7. Describe the principles of non-pharmacological therapies, and their role in disease management (psychotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy, trans-cranial magnetic stimulation)

2a8. Recognize the nature of disability, its impact on the community and the principles of management including: rehabilitation, institutional and community care.

2a9. Identify the principles governing ethical decision making in clinical practice and the major ethical dilemmas in medicine and recognize the patient-doctor rights as a part of human rights.

2a10. Describe how to apply his/her medical knowledge in the service of law with emphasis on medico-legal aspects of medical practice.

2a11. Specify the basics of normal and abnormal human behaviors 2.a.12. Analyze and evaluate scientific basic knowledge and to do conclusions from it

ب- المهارات الذهنية  :

2.b.1. Demonstrate insight for continued self assessment of their current medical practice aiming to update and improve it.

2.b.2.  Interpret clinical problems as how to differentiate between psychotic and neurotic disorders.

2.b.4. Analyze medical problems to reach appropriate diagnosis and assess comorbid psychiatric disorders.

2.b.5. Evaluate information objectively, recognizing its limitations.

2.b.6. Integrate the results of history, physical and mental examination with neuropsychiatric investigation findings into a meaningful diagnostic formulation.

2.b.7. Have the ability to choose the most relevant diagnostic tools as different psychometries for different suspected disorders.

2.b.8. Retrieve and analyzes relevant and current data from literature, using information technologies and library resources, in order to help solve a clinical problem based on evidence (EBM).

2.b.9. Recognize and cope with uncertainty by proper counseling, consultation and referral.

2.b.10. Evaluate emergency cases in psychiatry and manage them properly.

2.b.11. Integrate the psychiatric and somatic manifestations to accurately evaluate the patient.

جـ- المهارات المهنية الخاصة بالمقرر

2c1- Apply and document a complete or focused medical history in the outpatient, inpatient or emergency settings.

2c2- Perform and document a complete or focused physical and mental examination.

2c3- Construct patient’s symptoms and physical signs in terms of anatomic, pathologic and functional diagnostic significances.

2c4- Judge problems and select the most appropriate and cost effective diagnostic procedures for each problem.

2c5- Record clear and concise medical records including: admission sheets, progress notes, and physician’ orders, referrals for consultation, discharge sum-maries and follow up notes.

2.c.6. Adopt basic and new skills in Psychology field.

2.c.7. Use technological methods in professional practice.

    2.c.8. Write and evaluate professional reports about Psychological


2.c.9. Evaluate and develop the used methods in the field of Psychology.

2.c.10. Use technological methods in professional practice.

2.c.11. Plan to improve professional performance and develop others' performance.

2.c.12. Ability to identify the difference between non patients and psychiatric patients.

2.c.13. Able to identify patients and possible high risk individuals.

2.c.14. Able to diagnose possible cases.

2.c.15. Able  to prescribe medications according to diagnosis.

2.c.16. Able to understand the difference between the psychiatric patients and general medicine patients.

2.c.17.  Use the latest technology in identifying, diagnosing and treating patients


د -  المهارات العامة :   

2.d.1        Establish life-long self-learning required for continuous professional development.

2.d.2        Establish effective interpersonal relationship to Communicate ideas and arguments .

2.d.3        Present information clearly in written, electronic and oral forms.

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