توصيف ماجيستير HIST 609 قوائم مراجع

List of references :

6.1.  Basic materials :

  • Alberts, B.; Dennis, B. ; Karen, H.; Alexander, J.; Julian, L.; Martin, R.; Keith, R. and Peter, W. (2010): Essential Cell Biology. 3th Edition . Garland Science, New York and London.
  • Mescher, A.L. (2010):  Junqueira's Basic Histology, Text and Atlas. 12th ed. McGraw – Hill Companies, United States of America.           

6.2. Essential books (text books) :                                                             

  • Ovalle, W.K. and Nahirney, P.C. (2008):Netter's Essential Histology. 1st ed. Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia.

6.3. Recommended books :

  • Gamble, M. (2008):  Theory & practice of histological techniques: Bancroft, J.D. and Gamble,M. (eds) ; 6th ed. Charchill livingstone of Elsevier, Philadelphia.

6.4. Periodicals, Web sites, etc :

6.4.1. http://www.medscape.com.

6.4.2. http://www.pubmed.com.

6.4.3. http://master.emedicine.com/maint/cme.asp.

6.4.4. http://www.sciencedirect.com.

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