كلية الطب البشرى

توصيف ماجيستير HIST 609 نتائج

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) :                                                 

2.a. Knowledge and understanding :                                                                 

By the end of the course, students should be able to :        

2.a.1. Describe histological structure &function of epidermis and dermis..

2.a.2 compare between types of skin.

2.a.3.Describe pigmentation of skin.

2.a.4.Describe Immune response in skin.

2.a.5.Describe skin appendages.

2.a.6.Describe Sensory receptors of skin.

2.a.7.Disussclinical correlations with skin .

2.a.8.Discuss histological structure and function of    conducting portion of respiratory  system.

2.a.9.Discuss histological structure and function of    respiratory portion of respiratory  system.

2.a.10.Describe structure of pleura.

2.a.11.Describe structure of foetal lung.

2.a.12.Discuss non respiratory function of lung.

2.a.13.Describe Bronchus associated lymphoid tissue.

2.a.14.Outline Clinical correlations of respiratory system.

2.a.15. Discuss structure of Oral cavity(Lip, cheeks, Tongue).

2.a.16. Discuss classification and structure of salivary glands.

2.a.17. Discuss structure of palate and pharynx.  

2.a.18.Describe structure and function of four layers of digestive tube from oesophagus until to anal Canal.

2.a.19.Describe Gastro-Oesophageal Junction.   

2.a.20.Describe Gastroduodenal Junction.

2.a. 21.Describe Rectoanal Junction.

2.a.22.Discuss histological structure of Appendix.

2.a.23.Discuss histological structure and function of Liver and Gall Bladder.

2.a. 24.Discuss histological structure and function of pancreas. 

2.a.25.Outline Clinical correlations of digestive system.                        

2.a.26.Discuss histological structure ,development and function of Pituitary Gland .

2.a.27.Discuss histological structure  ,development and function of Thyroid and Parathyroid   Glands.

2.a.28.Discuss histological structure ,development and function of Adrenal   (Suprarenal) Glands.

2.a.29.Discuss histological structure  and function of  pineal body. 

2.a.30.Discuss histological structure  and function of diffuse   neuroendocrine  system.

2.a.31.Outline Clinical correlations of endocrine system.

2.a.32. Discuss the histological structure and function  of Kidneys.

2.a.33. Discuss the histological structure and function of The Ureter and Urinary   Bladder

2.a34. Discuss the histological structures of male and female urethra.

2.a.35. Outline the clinical correlations of urinay system .

2.a.36. Discuss the histological structure and function of The Testis.

2.a.37.Discuss the histological structure and function of male genital ducts  (tubuli recti ,rete testis ,epididymis ,Vas Deferensand ejaclaulatory ducts).

2.a.38.DescribeThe spermatic Cord.

2.a.39.Discuss the histological structure and function of accessory male genital glands .

2.a.40.DescribeThe Penis.

2.a.41.Outline the clinical correlations of the male genital system.

2.a.42. Discuss the histological structure and function of Ovaries.

2.a.43. Discuss the histological structure and function of the Uterus and the Uterine Tubes

2.a.44.Discuss cyclic changes of endometrium.

2.a.45. Discuss the histological structure and function of the cervix and the vagina.

2.a.46. Discuss the histological structure and function of Placenta.

2.a.47. Desribe female external genitalia.           

2.a.48.Discuss the histological structure and function of Mammary Glands and Compare between Resting & Lactating Mammary Gland .

2.a.149.Outline the clinical correlations of the female genital system.

2.a.50.Discuss the histological structure and function of sclera and  Cornea and describe corneoscleral junction.   

2.a.51.Discuss the histological structure and function of the  Uvea.

2.a52.Discuss the histological structure and function of Retina.

2.a.53. Describe  refractive media of the eye.

2.a.54. Define chambers of the eye.

2.a.55.Discuss the histological structure and function of conjunctiva and eye lid.        

2.a.56.Discuss lacrimal glands .

2.a.57.Outline the clinical correlations of the eye.

2.a58. Describe the structure of the external ear.

2.a.59. Describe the structure of the middle ear .

2.a.60.Discuss the histological structure and function of auditory tube.

2.a.61. Discuss inner ear( Bony Labyrinth and membranous Labyrinth).

2.a.62.Outline the clinical correlations of the ear.

2.a.63. Describe meninges and CSF.

2.a.64. Describe various levels of sections in spinal cord.

2.a.65.Describe pathways of ascending and descending tracts.

2.a.66.Describe  the levels of  Brain stem.

2.a.67.Discuss the histological structures and function   of cerebrum.

2.a.68.Discuss the histological structures and function of   cerebellum.

2.a.69.Outline the clinical correlations of the Central nervous system.


2.b.Intellectual skills :                                                                                          

By the end of the course, students should be able to :                

2.b.1. justify the technical and investigational database to be proficient in histological problem solving.

2.b.2. Generate a list of initial technical hypotheses for each problem.

2.b.3 Analyzes all sources of information to Interpret and evaluate the tissue samples.


2.c. Professional and practical skills :                                                              

By the end of the course, students should be able to :

2.c.1. Adopt an empathic and holistic approach to the researches and their problems.

2.c.2. Demonstrate Respect for right researches' and involve them and /or their in management decisions.

2.c.3. Demonstrate the more recent in researches in stem cells.

2.c.4. Respect the role and the contributions of other health care professionals regardless their degrees or rank (top management, subordinate or colleague).

2.c.5. Complies with the requirements  of the national code of ethics issued by the Egyptian Medical Syndicate.      

2.c.6. Conduct counseling sessions for more advances in researches.

2.c.7. Reflect critically on their own performance and that of others, to recognize personal limitations regarding skills and knowledge to refer their student's facility at the appropriate stage.


2.d. General and transferable skills :                                                                  

By the end of the course, students should be able to :

2.d.1. Establish life-long self-learning required for continuous professional development.

2.d.2. Use the sources of biomedical information and communication technology to remain current with advances in knowledge and practice.

2.d.3. Retrieve, manage, and manipulate information by all means, including electronic means.

2.d.4. Present information clearly in written, electronic and oral forms.

2.d.5. Establish effective interpersonal relationship to Communicate ideas and arguments.

2.d.6. Work effectively as a member or a leader of an interdisciplinary team.

2.d.7. Apply the principles of statistical methods for collection.      

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