2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):
A-Knowledge and understanding:
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
2.a.1. Describe the basics of Principles of Biostatistics, types of data, methods of presentation of data, types of Epidemiological studies, Sampling, statistical methods and research methods.
B- Intellectual Skills:
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
2.b.1 Choose suitable methods for conducting research.
2.b.2 Choose suitable methods for analysis of data.
2.b.3 Select appropriate method for evaluate the health problem.
c. General and Transferable Skills:
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
2.c.1 Establish life-long self-learning required for continuous professional development.
2.c.2 Use the sources of biomedical information and communication technology to remain current with advances in knowledge and practice.
2.c.3 Retrieve, manage, and manipulate information by all means, including electronic means.
2.c.4 Present information clearly in written, electronic and oral forms.
2.c.4 Conduct counseling sessions for prevention & control of different conditions for healthy individuals, for patients as well as their families.
2.c.5 Establish effective interpersonal relationship to Communicate ideas and arguments.