نتائج Histology

2- Intended learning out comes (ILOS).

2- a. Knowledge and understanding

By the end of the course the graduate will be able to:

2.a.1 Mention the basic principles of structure of different body cells.

2.a.2 . list the structure of different body tissue including epithelial and connective tissues.

2.a.3 Describe histological structure of body systems especially (CVS and respiratory system).

2.a.4 Explain histological structure of nervous system and that of muscular system.

2.b. Intellectual skills:

By the end of the course the graduate will be able to:

2.b.1. Combine the clinical and investigational database to be          proficient in clinical problem solving.

2.b.2. Plan for performance development in his practice.

2.b.3. Select the most appropriate and cost effective diagnostic procedures for each problem.

 2.b.4. Formulate research hypothesis & questions.

2.c General and transferable skills :

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

2.c.1. Retrieve, manage, and manipulate information by all means, including electronic means, in a timely manner to effectively participate in medical seminars and conferences.

2.c.2. Use the sources of biomedical information and communication technology to remain current with advances in knowledge and skills of his specialty.

2.c.3. Establish life-long self-learning required for continuous professional development in his specialty.

2.c.4. Work effectively as a member or leader of a health care team or other professional groups (teach others and evaluate their work).


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