قوائم مراجع توصيف مقرر الأمراض الجلدية للماجيستير

أ- مذكرات                        

8.a Course Notes:

  • Lectures notes prepared by staff members in the department
  • Mahmoud El Bayoumi Textbook of Dermatology (2011).

ب- كتب ملزمة



8.b Essential Books (Text Books):

  • Jean L. Bolognia, , Joseph L. Jorizzo, , and Julie V. Schaffer. Bolognia: dermatology 3rd edition .2 volume .Mosby Elsevier publisher . Publication date June: 2012. 
  • Skin Disease : Diagnosis and Treatment by Thomas P. Habif, James I. Campbell and Shane Chapman, Publisher: C.V. Mosby Co. Year Published: 2005 .

جـ- كتب مقترحة


8.c Recommended Books:

  • William D. James , Timothy Berger , Dirk Elston.  Andrews' Diseases of the Skin: Clinical dermatology . 11th edition . march 24,2011.
  • David E Elder. Lever's Histopathology of the Skin Rosalie E lenitsas , Bernett L Johnson , George F Murphy (eds).10th edition .Lippincott :Williams &Wilkins.2008. 

د – دوريات علمية أو نشرات      

8.d. Periodicals and Web Sites:

Journal of American Academy of Dermatology

Clinics in dermatology

International journal of dermatology

British journal of dermatology





www. Blackwell.com

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