قوائم مراجع توصيف مقرر علم أمراض الذكورة للدكتوراة

8- قائمة الكتب الدراسية والمراجع :


أ- مذكرات                        

8.a Course Notes:

Lectures notes prepared by staff members in the department.

Mahmoud Bayoumi text book of Andrology(2011)

ب- كتب ملزمة    

8.b. Essential Books (Text Books)

Nieschlag, Eberhard, Behre, Hermann M., Nieschlag, Susan (Eds.) Male Reproductive Health and Dysfunction.3rd edition .Springer publisher .2010.

جـ- كتب مقترحة

8.c. Recommended Books

  •  Holmes, K., P. Sparling, Walter Stamm  , Peter Piot, Judith Wasserheit  , Lawrence Corey  (2007): Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Fourth Edition.  
  • Abdel Hamid, I. A. (2009): Advances in sexual medicine, Drug discovery issues. Puplished by research signpost, ISBN:978-81-308-0307-4
  • Lipshultz, L. I. ; Howards, S. S. and Niederberger, C. S (2009): Infertility in the male, 4th edition.

د – دوريات علمية أو نشرات      

8.d. Periodicals and Web Sites:

International journal of andrology

Andrological journal

Infertility and sterility journal






www. Blackwell.com


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