اهداف توصيف مقرر ميكربيولوجيا وعلم مناعة لماجيستير الأمراض الجلدية والتناسلية والذكورة

1- هدف المقرر :

  1. Identify the basic features of general bacteriology, virology, microbial genetics and mycology , diagnosis the infectious dermatoses and  to understand the immune system which can serve Dermatology  and Andrology practice
  2. Provide the Dermatology  and Andrology students with information that help solving professional problems, making professional decisions and evaluating medical reports.
  3. Evaluate risks imposed during professional practice andapply sterile, safe techniques and infection control guidelines according to international principles.
  4. Communicate effectively and  respect all persons irrespective of their socio-cultural or religious status .


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