نتائج توصيف مقرر كيمياء حيوية وعلم وراثة لماجستير الأمراض الجلدية والتناسلية والذكورة

2- المستهدف من تدريس المقرر :      

By the end of the course, the student should be able to:

أ- المعلومات والمفاهيم :

2.a.1. Discuss Plasma lipoproteins, hyperlipidemia, Cholesterol metabolism and hypercholesterolemia  

2.a.2  Describe Heme metabolism and the development of porphyria and jaundice.  

2.a.3 Mention the effect of insulin, steroid   and thyroid  hormones disturbances on skin, reproduction and sexuality.

2.a.4 Enumerate the effects of vitamins, calcium, iron and zink levels disturbances on skin, reproduction and sexuality.

2.a.5 Describe the normal and abnormal constituents of urine, blood, semen and sweat & their clinical relevance.   
2.a.6. Explain the development of gout.
2.a.7 Discuss DNA structure, replication, transcription & Regulation of gene expression

2.a.8 Enumerate DNA damage  and Illustarte steps of DNA repair

2.a.9 Discuss Recombinant DNA technology, blotting techniques and the applications of  gene therapy in dermatology and andrology.

2.a.10 Mention the stages of the cell cycle

2.a.11 Define apoptosis and list its causes, steps, consequences of disturbances.

ب- المهارات الذهنية:

2.b.1    Choose the suitable laboratory test suggested from the available data  to improve the practice and to save time and money

2.b.2 . Interpret the results of the laboratory tests and integrate them with other data in order to diagnose and manage dermatology or andrology  problems

2.b.3 Solve problems related to metabolic disturbances in a given case study report

جـ- المهارات المهنية الخاصة بالمقرر :

2.c.1 Evaluate biochemical reports related to dermatology and andrology problems.

2.c.2 Suggest deferential diagnosis  for given data about metabolic disorder.

د -  المهارات العامة :

2.d.1        Establish life-long self-learning required for continuous professional development.

2.d.2        Communicate effectively to express ideas and manage scientific discussion.

2.d.3        Manage information by all means, including electronic means.

2.d.4        Present information clearly in written, electronic and oral forms.

2.d.5    Apply the principles of statistical methods for collection, presentation & analysis of all types of data.


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