اساليب تقييم توصيف مقرر physiology للامراض الصدرية

Basic Information:

  • Allocated marks:      200            marks
  • Course duration:     25 weeks of teaching
  • Teaching hours:        1.2         hours/week = 30                

B) Professional Information:

1- Overall Aim of the Course:

 The overall goals of the course are:

1.1. Good application of basic pathological   knowledge essential for the practice of chest medicine

1.2. Providing basic and specialized services in relation with biopsy diagnosis in the practice of medicine and investigations.

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):

 2.a. Knowledge and understanding:

   By the end of the course, students should be able to:

2.a.1. Describe the dissection of respiratory biopsies.

2.a.2 Describe the clinical manifestations and differential diagnosis of common respiratory  pathological cases.

2.a.3. Discuss the scientific basis and interpretation of various diagnostic modalities essential for respiratory system medical practice .

2.a.4. Identify the principles that govern ethical decision making in clinical practice as well as the pathological aspect of medical malpractice.

2.a.5. Identify basic knowledge & theories needed to support literature retrieval and further research capabilities.


2.b. Intellectual Skills:

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

2.b.1. Solve problem and make decision skills necessary for proper evaluation and management.

2.b.2. Analyze the risky problems that could be met during taking biopsies .

2.b.3. Interpret the clinical and investigational database to be proficient in clinical problem solving.

2.b.4. Plane for performance development in his practice.

2.b5. Select the most appropriate and cost effective diagnostic procedures for each problem.

 2.b.6. Formulate of research hypothesis & questions.

2.b.7. Adopt the questioning approach to own work & that of others to solve clinical problems


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