اهداف توصيف مقرر Community medicine للامراض الصدرية

1- Overall Aim of the Course:                                                                                                   

1.1. Advanced scientific knowledge essential to practice Histology & Cell Biology dealing with chest.

1.2. Advanced scientific knowledge essential l for establishing &     maintaining good researchers.

1.3. Advanced scientific knowledge essential for following the rules of medical ethics.

1.4. Diagnostic, problem solving and decision making as well as communication skills necessary for proper evaluation and management of health problems &researches.

1.5. Appropriate ethical and professional education necessary for demonstrating appropriate attitudes with students and colleagues.

1.6. Lifelong learning competencies necessary for continuous professional development.

1.7. Research education as related to medical practice &more advanced scientific researches.

1.8. Advanced administrative skills necessary for delivery ofresearch service.

2- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs):                                                               

2.1. Knowledge and understanding:                                                                         

By the end of the course, students should be able to:                                           

2.1.1. Describe the normal structure and function of the human body cells at the level of its organ & system on the molecular level.

2.1.2. Describe the normal structure and function of the human body cells and mind at the molecular, biochemical levels (including the principles of genetics).

2.1.3. Describe the normal growth and development of the human body cells  & its impact on cellular function, molecular signaling.

2.1. 4.  Recognize the cell signaling & altered cell behavior.

2.1.5. Recognize the altered development, growth, structure and function of the body and mind that will be associated with common clinical conditions.


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