5- Teaching and learning methods : METHODS USED:
TEACHING PLAN: Lectures: 3 lectures /week (2:20 hours each), Time: 10 a.m to 12:20 p.m Practical: 3 classes / week, (2:30 hours each) with a total of 7.5 hours/week. Time plan:
5- أساليب التعليم والتعلم |
6- تقويم الطــلاب : |
ATTENDANCE CRITERIA: attendance percentage of > 75% must be fulfilled before the final exam. Assessment TOOLS:
أ- الأساليب المستخدمة |
ب- التوقيت |
Weighting System:
▪ The minimum passing grade is 180 marks (60%) of the total marks), provided that at least 75 marks (50%) are obtained in the final written exam. ▪ Passing grades are: EXCELLENT >85%, VERY GOOD 75- <85%, GOOD 65- <75% and FAIR 60- <65%. 5-E) Examination description:
جـ- توزيع الدرجات |
7- قائمة الكتب الدراسية والمراجع : |
▪ Essential books : Murray R.K., Bender D.A., Botham K.M., Kennelly P.J., Rodwell V.W. and Weil P.A (2009): Harper's Illustrated Biochemistry (Lange Medical Book). 28th edition. Pages: 1269. Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical |
أ- كتب ملزمة |
▪ Recommended Books : Champe P.C., Harvey R.A. and Ferrier D.R. (2011): Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry (Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews Series). 4th edition. Pages:528. Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. |
ب- كتب مقترحة |
▪ Periodical websites: www.clinchem.org |
ج – دوريات علمية أو نشرات ... الخ |
Course coordinator : Prof. Dr. Mahasen Abd Elsattar Dr. Inas Abdulmonem Dr. Shuzan Ali |
Signature & date:
Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Amal Abou Elfadle |
Signature & date: |