توصيف ماجيستير HIST 601 نتائج

Intended Learning Outcomes of Courses (ILOs)

a) Knowledge and understanding :

By the end of this course the student should be able to :

a1. Mention the recent - advances in diagnosing various hematological disorders as bone marrow transplantation, bleeding and coagulation disorders.

a2. Identify different techniques for semen analysis.

a3. Identify recent methods of histocopatability tests.

a4. List different methods for collection of various tissue samples.


b) Intellectual skills :

By the end of this course the student should be able to :

b1. interpret lab investigations as blood picture, bone marrow examination, results of lymph node, spleen biopsy, and tests for coagulation disorders.

b2. Evaluate and interpret any morphological abnormalities in the examined slides by light microscope.

B3. Differentiate between samples of tissue obtained through exfoliative cytology.

B4. Evaluate evidence based scientific discussions in at least ten seminars.

B5. Analyze and criticize scientific research papers.


c) Professional and Practical Skills :

By the end of the course the student should able to :

c1. Perform the steps of immunohistochemistery perfectly and independently.

c2. Examine and photograph experimental slides by light microscope perfectly and independently.

c3. Write professional reports on any haematological slide.

c4. Use computer soft wares to analyze slides (image analysis) or analyze research data.

c5. Examine semen for different abnormalities.


d) General and Transferable Skills :

By the end of the course the student should able to :

d1. Communicate effectively by all types of effective communication.

d2. Use information technology to serve the development of professional practice.

d3. Use the web sites, medical journals, personal communications ,digital libraries to gain knowledge.

d4. Assess his performance and improve it continuously.

d5. Work coherently and successfully as a part of a team or as a leader.

d6. Administer scientific activities as seminars, journal clubs ,scientific meetings or conferences.

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