محتويات توصيف دكتوراة HIST 709



No. of hours



 Nervous tissue 

  1. Structure of neuron (LM&EM) cell body, axon, ,dendrites.
  2.  types  of nerve cells.
  3. types and structure of nerve fibers.
  4. organization of nerve fibers.
  5. mylination of CNS&PNS.
  6. nerve ganglia (types &structure).
  7. 7-synapses( structure and types).
  8. degeneration and regeneration of neurons.
  9. stain used  to study nervous tissue including those of degeneration.
  10. Neuroglia structure and their functions.
  11. Types and structure of nerve endings (receptors and effector ).





  1. Anatomical consideration of CNS.
  2. meninges.
  3. spinal cord.
  4. medulla oblongata.
  5. pons.
  6. mid brain.
  7. cerebellum.
  8. dinencephalon.
  9. cerebral cortex.




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