اهداف ماجيستير الرمد

The overall aims of the program are :

  1. Ensuring that the graduate apply basics and tools of scientific ophthalmic research.
  2. Analyzing data and integrating information in ophthalmic practice.
  3. Coordinating knowledge and specialties in relation to ophthalmology.
  4. Dealing with current community needs and recent updates in field of ophthalmology.
  5. Identifying practical problems and preparing solutions.
  6. Mastering sufficient practical skills and use recent technology to improve his practice.
  7. Active communication and leadership.
  8. Making proper decisions.
  9. Using available resources for optimum practice.
  10. Awareness of community service and needs, taking in concern global and local changes.
  11. Ethical principles related to practice in the highly sensitive specialty.
  12. Maintenance of abilities necessary for continuous medical education.


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